Month: November 2007

  • NSA: in ur treo eavesdropping on u. Kthxbai

    A story breaking in the security community but I’ve filed under “Does this surprise anyone, really? Come on!” has to do with smartphones running Windows Mobile. According to the filing from reports that there is a Windows OS backdoor being used by the National Security Agency and agencies and contractors employed by the federal…

  • Organic Feed Reading

    There is so much information shooting around on these interwebs that sometimes I have a hard time keeping track of all the conversations I want or need to be a part of. Yes, of course I use Google Alerts to do vanity searches on my name, but I’ve found that in the past three or…

  • When a Brand Fades

     Today is the New, New Internet Conference, the biggest web 2.0 conference on the Eastern Seaboard this fall. More than 800 attendees are expected. The roster of speakers is impressive. The conference will focus on the larger business aspects of the new Internet economy. Though I am one of the speakers, I will be in the…