Month: June 2008

  • Facebook Business & Marketing Solutions – Kent Schoen, Facebook

    9:53 AM – This is going to be an interesting session considering my “history of hate” with Facebook Beacon, etc. Who knows? Maybe Beacon won’t even be mentioned. We’ll see. The description of the session is as follows: This session will present an overview of Facebook advertising and marketing solutions, including the Facebook Social Ads…

  • Graphing Social Patterns – LinkedIn Keynote – Adam Nash

    Thanks to Cover it Live for the software. scrollpos[1]) { divtop = document.getElementById(‘cil_mainholder’).scrollTop + 40; } else { divtop = scrollpos[1] – document.getElementById(‘cil_mainholder’).offsetTop + document.getElementById(‘cil_mainholder’).scrollTop + 40; } document.getElementById(‘cil_modalitem’).style.left = divleft + ‘px’; document.getElementById(‘cil_modalitem’) = divtop + ‘px’; document.getElementById(‘cil_modalitem’).style.display = ‘inline’; } function cil_closeLayer(){ if (document.getElementById(‘cil_modalitem’).style.display != ‘none’) { document.getElementById(‘cil_divsrc’).innerHTML = ”; document.getElementById(‘cil_modalitem’).style.display = ‘none’;…

  • Day 1: Graphing Social Patterns

    I’m sitting here at the Hyatt in Crystal City, Virginia. Planes fly in low overhead to touchdown on the runway at Reagan National Airport a mile away. It is hot, muggy and trains are derailing not far from here. Generally, it’s the kind of day that sets folks on edge. I’m at the Graphing Social…

  • Marketing Plan Series: Part 3 – Problems and Opportunities

    As we discussed in Part 2 – Situational Analysis, there is room for the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis. However, what I like to do is take a separate section that really dives into the opportunities and problems deeper so that they can be addressed by specific marketing strategies. Identifying and Maximizing Opportunities…

  • Live Coverage of Graphing Social Patterns East

    Starting tomorrow through Wednesday, will be bringing you coverage of the Graphing Social Patterns East conference here in Washington, D.C. We were a last minute applicant for media credentials, but squeaked in by the skin of our teeth. Thanks, Dave McClure and Maureen Jennings for making that happen! GSP is an interesting conference to…

  • Political Blogging 2.0

    The Second Great Age of political blogging is upon us. For those who remember the 2004 race, when blogging was just hitting its stride, you might remember that politicos were the only bloggers acknowledged by anyone in the media. It’s still that way to a large degree, but only one blog, Huffington Post remains in…

  • A Different Spin on the Tip Jar

    My friend, Jim Kukral is a great marketing guy, so he started working me on Scratchback late last year when he first launched it. Scratchback makes the assumption (whether correctly, or incorrectly) that people who like what you do want to give something back to you. Regular people don’t want to make an ad buy,…

  • Technosailor TV Alert: Saturday June 7, 9pm Eastern

    Heads up. Our second episode of Technosailor TV is tomorrow night at 9pm Eastern. This week, we’ll be doing the Mixx Minute with Kevin Palmer of Pointless Banter. Kevin is a really funny guy so you’ll like him. In addition, Nick Bouton of Protagonize, a social fiction writing site will be joining us in the…

  • I Own My Data, Dammit

    Micah had a very encouraging article last night about two commenting social networks, Disqus and Intense Debate. It was all about listening to your customer base and making trajectory adjustments as needed to ensure you’re meeting real needs, instead of just assuming your business model has everything mapped out for you and you know exactly…

  • A Manifesto for Mobile and Location Based Social Networks

    Mobile is hot. Untethering from computers is the next generation of the web and I’ve said it for awhile. FindWhere CEO Jaap Groot and my friend and DoC co-host Geoff Livingston have co-authored a white paper (they call it a manifesto) for mobile and location-based social networks outlining eight requirements for a successful mobile endeavor.…