Battle of the Titans: Premium Theme Framework Smackdown

Wrap Up

I refuse to be king maker. All of these themes have their pros and cons. They all have advantages and disadvantages. Some of these differentiating points aren’t even looked at in this review. Things like usability, feature sets, coziness in the community, etc are barely referred to and don’t affect the scores here.

However, based on the stress test and criteria I outlined earlier, the best framework is Genesis with an 84%. Thesis comes in with a 76%. Builder garners a 74%. Headway needs the most improvement and only gets a 55%.

On a bell curve, C (75%) is average and should not be considered mediocre or below average. Make your won decisions based on the evidence here and other places concerning the issues and criteria I posed as well as your own.

Fortunately, the WordPress world is built on choices.