This article was originally published on March 24, 2005 and is being republished as part of the Technosailor 3-year Blogiversary series. Enjoy! A timeless quote…
Blogging is a developing medium, but at the same time it is well established. The players that were in existence in 2003 have now been changed due to acquisitions and splits. b2 became WordPress. Typepad and LiveJournal became flavors of MovableType. Blogger was acquired by Google. And the list continues.
The fact is that WordPress is now the dominant self-hosted blog software followed shortly thereafter by MovableType when in 2003, MovableType was the software of choice.
Jeremy makes a good point when he points out that:
WordPress will come to be the de-facto choice in the world of self-hosted personal weblogs and low-end webhosting “value added” package. MovableType will be the blogware of choice in the corporate blogging world, both for internal weblogs and those that face the outside world.
I don’t know that I necessarily agree with his view about MT’s role, but the argument can definitely be made.