If you’re in Maryland, as I am, or one of most other states in the Union that are not really in play, then you can keep moving. However, if you are in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Colorado, New Mexico or Nevada (states that are swing states according to Politico’s Swing State Map), then there are some dates you need to be aware of going into October. Notably, you need to know when the last day to register to vote (or change your party, if you’re so inclined) or request an absentee ballot.
State | Register | Absentee |
Colorado | October 5 | October 27 |
Florida | October 6 | October 28 |
Iowa | November 4* | October 31 |
Michigan | October 6 | November 1 |
Missouri | October 8 | October 29 |
Nevada | October 4 | October 28 |
New Hampshire | November 4* | October 25 |
New Mexico | October 7 | October 31 |
Ohio | October 5 | October 25 |
Pennsylvania | October 6 | October 31 |
Virginia | October 6 | October 28 |
Wisconsin | November 4* | November 3 |
* Iowa, New Hampshire and Wisconsin allow onsite registration at the precinct voting center with proper ID
If you’re in a swing state, your vote really does matter. You don’t have much time to get registered and if you don’t vote, you can’t complain. Go do it ASAP.
And if you don’t live in a swing state, make sure your friends and readers who do see this breakdown.