Author: Aaron Brazell

  • 5 Cambios que Todo Ejecutivo de Medios Debe Hacer

    La era digital llegó (hace ya bastante tiempo, por cierto) y ya es hora de que los ejecutivos de medios de comunicación y demás productores de contenido se despierten y entiendan bien el nuevo panorama, los nuevos mercados y sus implicaciones para su negocio. Aquí les traigo cinco cambios que todo ejecutivo de medios debe…

  • Rules for Entrepreneurs: 5 Ways to Avoid Founderitis

    What is Founderitis? It is been called “Founders Syndrome” and it is not some type of medical disease but rather a disease that can infect your business if you are not careful. The Wikipedia definition of “Founderitis” is stated as follows: The term “founderitis” or “founder’s syndrome” refers to the unhealthy condition that afflicts many…

  • It’s Done

    I’m sitting in Toronto’s Pearson International Airport for, what I hope, is the last time in awhile. It’s not that I don’t like Toronto. It’s actually a great city and I’ve had many good times here. However, this marks the end of the last 2.5 years where I’ve worked to build the technology at b5media.…

  • Early Adopters Are Useless

    We are early adopters. We use. We try. We evangelize. We bury. We filter. That’s what we think anyway. In reality, we are pretty useless. Late last year, Amazon released the Kindle to the joy and enthusiasm of many early adopters. Robert Scoble, the poster child for early adopters, gleefully got his Kindle on the…

  • Rules for Entrepreneurs: Pay yourself first

    Over the last 9 years and two startups I have learned many things and screwed up royally in some cases. This ongoing series is about providing you best practices of lessons learned and avoiding the mistakes I have already made. In the past, I have had good years and bad years. When you have employees,…

  • New Series: Writing a Marketing Plan

    Since the Business Plan series came to a close I thought of the next logical step in what you have to do in your business to support the business plan and its operations. This next step is the marketing plan. Logically, your CMO or VP of Marketing would be in charge of this effort but…

  • Blogger Blacklist (and Other PR Pipe Dreams)

    Remember the blogger-PR fiasco last year? The one where Wired Editor Chris Anderson published a list of over 300 email addresses from PR flacks that pitched him unsolicited? It caused quite a stir. In fact, around here, it got the PR Roundtable going where Marshall Kirkpatrick, Cathryn Hrudicka, Brian Solis, Doug Haslam and the late…

  • Brightkite: Blazing New Paths in Microcontent

    A few weeks ago, I received an invite to Brightkite so I signed up, being the early adopter that I am. What I saw instantly resonated with me. Before I get into the technical and usability “stuff” let me explain the resonance I had. first there was Twitter which blazed onto the scene with the…

  • New Series Introduction: Rules for Entrepreneurs

    As you all know I just wrapped up my Business Plan Series and will be starting a Marketing Plan Series next week. So I started thinking about what smaller bits of advice I could organize in a great ongoing series of posts. This is where I came up with “Rules for Entrepreneurs”. These rules will…

  • Cómo Sacarle Provecho a Twitter

    Según las últimas cifras de Hitwise (via Twitter Facts), Twitter ha triplicado el número de visitas en los últimos tres meses. En el último año, las visitas a Twitter se han multiplicado por ocho. En Latinoamérica, son muchas las comunidades de Twitter que han ido surgiendo, interconectadas entre sí y con el resto del mundo.…