A Chance to Purchase Some of My Best Photography
An original taken in Austin, TX on Congress Ave near 2nd Street.
How to Create Great Night Long Exposure Shots
Recently, I’ve been spending a lot of time taking long exposure photos. I’ll be doing more daytime ones soon, but the easiest are night shots. If you spend enough time with your camera, you’ll quickly find that light is both your best friend and worst enemy. If your shutter exposure is too long, your photo…
Asynchronous WordPress
This morning, at WordCamp US, I will be giving a lightning talk to a room full of WordPress professionals from around the globe. This talk was given earlier this year at WordCamp Baltimore as a full 45 minute talk, but sadly, I don’t have that kind of time today. So I figured I’d provide those…
Letting Perfect Get in the Way
I’ve been contemplating a phrase for a few days now. It applies to writing code, as I do for a living, as well as a whole host of other things… from relationships, to home life, life goals and endeavors… the list goes on. Don’t let perfection stand in the way of progress. I know what…
New Adventures with 10up
It’s such a weird feeling. Since I began this blog in 2004, I’ve been able to say I was truly hired exactly one time. That day was Jan 9, 2013. In 2004, I was employed by Northrop Grumman. In 2006, I left NG to pursue the startup world, I took up residence at b5media as…
Dishonesty in Digital Marketing
$9.99. We used to look at that number, scratch our heads and rationalize the price as a marketing tactic to make buyers believe a product was cheaper than it was. This is all based on the psychology that $9.99 looks cheaper than $10 visually. $99.99 isn’t $100 because it’s not a 3-figure number. It’s a 2-figure…
If I Had to do it All Again
As I sit here tonight, at a bar, typing on the WordPress app (which will undoubtedly make my fingers cramp typing long form), I’m thinking about my life. What has made me a man, a developer, a friend, and lover (I can even get in Oxford commas on the app!) In exactly five hundred and…
Weekly Blog Post Challenge
Back in 2004, I, like many other people in the WordPress community began blogging. We didn’t, I don’t think, get into WordPress because we wanted to write code or build a career. We got into it because we wanted to write. Our natural talent and curiosity took over, however, and we began writing code. At…
Bad Job Board Titles
Human Resources personnel. You gotta love ’em. They’re the people who make sure you get paid every week, or biweekly or however often you get paid. They’re the ones who you talk to when you have a complaint about another employee. HR personnel are also, generally, responsible for posting job reqs. If you go to…
Entrepreneurial Priorities if You Don’t Want to Despise Yourself at Age 80
With the exception of a general, “We’re hiring” post a few days ago, my site has been largely neglected for the past year. It’s not that I don’t want to write. I do. And it’s not like I don’t have things to say because, if you know me, I do. I really do. And it’s…