Category: Aaron Brazell

  • Understanding our Future by Understanding our Past

    Generational history is cyclical. That’s where we get the phrase, “œHistory repeats itself”. In understanding our history, we can understand our future. In generational theory, four main generational archetypes exist, and history indicates that the impact on society and culture by each generation lasts for approximately twenty years. The four generational types are known in…

  • Ford EcoBoost Cuts CO2 Emissions by 15%, Improves Gas Mileage

    Yesterday, I had the opportunity to spend the day at Ford headquarters in Dearborn, MI checking out the new technologies, green and otherwise, for their new 2009 model year. One of the key green technologies that was on display was the EcoBoost engine. By Ford claims, the EcoBoost engine reduces CO2 emissions by 15% while…

  • You Don't have to be an Environmentalist to Have Green Habits

    You don’t have to believe to be green Here’s some interesting facts you won’t read in your local newspaper: the world has stopped warming. Data from all four major global temperature tracking outlets (Hadley, NASA’s GISS, UAH, RSS) released in February this year show that the world cooled between 0.65-0.75C in 2007. The trend isn’t…

  • 3 Things You Can Do to Green your Data Center

    Data Centers pose a problem when it comes to being energy efficient. Servers are on all day, every day and are expected to perform with a speed and reliability that we rarely expect from any other service. As a result, they generate tremendous amounts of heat and consume tremendous amounts of power. However, there are…

  • Feed Subscriptions Are So Important

    When I left b5media, I had established a base of over 1300 feed subscribers on this blog. I was proud of that because, let’s face it, if you aren’t a news site breaking news all the time, people are not as inclined to subscribe to a feed. The feed at that time was hosted via…

  • Eco-friendly Conference Attendance

    There’s probably several dozen major tech conferences, or pseudo tech-conferences, that happen every year. Social media hounds and bloggers head off to conferences like SXSW, Gnomedex or even SES. What are some of the things that people can do to be a little more environmentally conscience while attending these things. Walk Instead of taking a…

  • Trolls and Adversity

    This evening I spent a large chunk of time surfing through a variety of websites, perusing my feed reader and Googling stories for Green week this week. My perusing led me down a rabbit trail that, honestly, I’ve wanted to talk about but events of recent days now compell me to talk about. Internet fame…

  • Thoughts on MobileMe and Apple

    As I’ve spent the past 24 hours wiping my Macbook Pro and trying to get back up to speed, I thought I’d give a few thoughts on MobileMe, Apple Mail and Push/Cloud technology. This is relatively raw as I am much more focused on getting back to work than I am “getting things right” as…

  • Weekend Productivity Tip: TripIt Calendar Feeds

    I just posted my August travel over on my personal blog. If your schedule lines up, give me a shout and let’s get together and talk about WordPress, or tech world gossip, Lijit, or, or anything. Doesn’t matter. I like meeting people. But as I’m coming in to land on this Friday, I thought…

  • Relevant Conservatism in the Internet Era

    As a conservative who is also supporting Barack Obama (Yes We Can) this fall, I’m fascinated watching the efforts both campaigns are making to reach out to an internet savvy Generation Y. With mixed results, mind you. John McCain has been flogged for his gaffes surrounding the internet. Phrases likes, “I’m aware of the internet”…