A Different Spin on the Tip Jar
My friend, Jim Kukral is a great marketing guy, so he started working me on Scratchback late last year when he first launched it. Scratchback makes the assumption (whether correctly, or incorrectly) that people who like what you do want to give something back to you. Regular people don’t want to make an ad buy,…
Technosailor TV Alert: Saturday June 7, 9pm Eastern
Heads up. Our second episode of Technosailor TV is tomorrow night at 9pm Eastern. This week, we’ll be doing the Mixx Minute with Kevin Palmer of Pointless Banter. Kevin is a really funny guy so you’ll like him. In addition, Nick Bouton of Protagonize, a social fiction writing site will be joining us in the…
Dave Winer Runs Into Robert Scoble
Dave Winer is crazy. I talked about it earlier this week. One of the Technosailor.com spies reported back with this exchange between Dave and Robert Scoble.
Secrets that No one knows about me…
Scott Stead put this great video together. Grab him, anytime you need video done for your events.
Technosailor.TV: Saturday Nights at 9pm
After a few weeks of messing around and getting comfortable in the video streaming game, we’ve had a lot of fun and a good deal of attention. It’s been fun. I’ve learned some things too – namely that these things can easily go over three hours if there’s no structure. So, I’ll be streaming every…
It's 5 O'clock Somewhere. In Case You're on a Deadline
For all the times I rant about PR pitches around here, I actually do get some good ones. Generally, these pitches are timely to me or my audience and are respectful in how they ask for press. Thus was the case today when a guy named Sergei [last name withheld for privacy] emailed me about…
For PHP Devs, a Twitter PHP Class
At the end of this post, this site is going into a twitter free period of two weeks. I’m sensitive to the fact that we talk about Twitter quite a lot and not always doing a good job of reaching into all of real life like we’d like. So after this post, Twitter will not…