WordPress Export Base Class
Real quick note to let you know that over the weekend, I released new code that is GPLv2, relating to WordPress export format (WXR). The code and details are here and I’d love to get some input and contributions of other export classes. I’ve included a (yet undocumented) Expression Engine exporter as well and will…
How the Macbook Air is the future of Computing
If you didn’t have a chance to see history made last week, you should go watch it. History was made with yet another computer company announcing yet another laptop with better specs than the generation before. Yet somehow, Steve Jobs’ keynote address at Macworld announcing the Macbook Air was different. Historically different. There have only…
WordCamp Dallas: What do you want to know?
At the end of March, I’ll be speaking at WordCamp Dallas. I’ve been asked to speak about WordPress in an environment, but have been given broad latitude to shape that discussion in any way I like. So I’m turning it over to you. I’ll be making my slide deck available here, and maybe I’ll stream…
Marketing 101: How Cloverfield Failed to Deliver on Expectations
Earlier this evening, I joined several other social media type folks down in D.C. for a first night showing of Cloverfield, the film that was so secretive it didn’t have a name other than 01182008 until sometime last month. The film trailers were released on the internet sometime last year and bloggers, and movie folks…
Relationship in the Internet World
I have a friend. Up until about a month ago, I only knew him as shashib. I didn’t know much about shashib, except what I observed about him on Twitter. As I observed shashib and interacted with him, I realized he was from the DC metropolitan area and that he was in social media. We…
10 More Rules For Dealing With Snow
Since it’s a snow day here in Maryland and on much of the east coast, I thought I’d revisit 10 Rules for Dealing with Snow. Unfortunately, since I wrote that educational post several years ago, it’s apparent that people still don’t get it. So let’s add 10 more rules for dealing with snow. I don’t…
Eight Things
I’ve been tagged for this meme by Doug Haslam and Geoff Livingston (what’s with all you PR people?). I don’t typically participate in memes as I think it generally dilutes the quality of the body of content, but I’m making an exception this time. If for no other reason, I’ll stop getting tagged by PR…
Something is in the Air
Macworld Expo is this week and, true to Apple form, they pulled it off perfectly. Complete with bait and switch. On Monday, there was a “supposed” leak of Steve Jobs’ keynote and many people fell for it. Notably, Steve Rubel (who has a history of being reactionary and wrong), called it reliable because it was…
The DCTwits Twitter Group
Real quick post here to let you know about the DC Twits Twitter user group. I set this up this weekend (first foray into Twitter API and it wasn’t too hard) for people in the Washington, D.C. metro area who want to subscribe. That doesn’t preclude anyone else from participating – for instance Brian Layman…
I found this via Facebook. One of my friends sent this to me and I laughed so hard I watched it 3 times in a row. See, if you’re a musician as I am, you know that music is just a bunch of patterns. It’s mathematical, really. So it’s not all that unusual for “progressions”…