Category: Aaron Brazell

  • North Korea's National Color is Gray

    I love Scott Adams. Seriously. He’s a demented, sick soul. Here’s his riff on North Korea.

  • Grey's Anatomy Killed Us

    Forget Digg. We get Dugg all the time. But tonight’s killer (no pun intended) episode of Grey’s Anatomy had the Digg x 10 effect on us via Grey’s Anatomy News. Heh. Downtime is never funny. The unexpected surge and unexpected source knocked us over, and looking back, was kind of funny. Screenshot of Server Logs

  • If Everyone is Doing it, Is it Really Cool Anymore?

    If a tree falls on a mime in the middle of the woods and nobody hears the mime scream (mouth wide open with no audible sound), does anyone care? I speak of blogging about blogging and I speak to myself as well. In my opinion, the market is way oversaturated when it comes to blogging…

  • IPv6 Firewalls

    I don’t quite understand the thinking of commenters on this story that think that security lies in having an end-system firewall – that is the Windows Firewall, the built in Mac Firewalls, Symantec Personal Firewall, etc. That’s a degree of security. That’s not real security. Find out the IPv6 issues being discussed for there’s far…

  • Exclusive Podcast: Performancing Sold to Splashpress Media

    David Krug on the Sale of Performancing to Splashpress Media. Aaron can’t pronounce Dave’s last name. David will be running the site and Splashpress Media will be operating it. The status of Nick Wilson and Patrick Gavin – they will continue to develop the Scribefire plugin (formerly Performancing for Firefox). The goals and intents of…

  • Blogs Do Sell

    Just to prove that selling a blog is not that far out of the norm, TrueHoops has just been scarfed up by ESPN.

  • Forgive Me, Father, For I have a Tech Question

    Chris Pirillo, the nutty, high-strung brain behind Lockergnome and former host of the TechTV (remember that network?) show Call For Help is taking the Call For Help idea to the bastion of new media, the blogs and YouTube. He has initiated his first video and is soliciting further questions. Pirillo says, “If you submit a…

  • Google Misspells Its Own Name

    Google has misspelled its own name in the Valentine’s Day version of it’s logo. Abe Olandres at Blog Herald has the details and a screenshot (I’m sure it will be corrected forthwith). Update: Apparently, the stem is the L. Hmmm, not very obvious.

  • Has Windows Vista Been Released?

    I ask the question, “Has Windows Vista been released?” in a tounge-in-cheek sort of way. Of course, I know it has, but to be honest I wasn’t aware until about 3 days after it had been released and the only way I found out was because I was watching a TiVo’d episode of Jon Stewart…

  • Blackberry Love

    Thanks to Mark for pointing out Dateberry. Though I’m married and not looking for a “hook up”, it makes me laugh that I can relate to the paradigm.