Como Vencer la Sobrecarga Informativa
La sobrecarga informativa es algo a lo que muchos estamos expuestos en Internet. Vamos abriendo artÃculos para leerlos más tarde y cuando nos damos cuenta tenemos 50 pestañas abiertas en el navegador. Aparte de saber que no las vamos a leer ahorita, todas estas pestañas ocupan memoria y tiempo de procesador, interfiriendo con nuestro trabajo…
Dave Winer Runs Into Robert Scoble
Dave Winer is crazy. I talked about it earlier this week. One of the Technosailor.com spies reported back with this exchange between Dave and Robert Scoble.
La Batalla es Digital
Parte 1 del desarrollo de los puntos del artÃculo “5 Cambios que Todo Ejecutivo de Medios Debe Hacer” 1. La Batalla es Digital La diferencia más importante entre la distribución tradicional de contenido (televisión, radio, cable, cine, impresos) y la distribución digital es que ya no vendemos contenido, ahora vendemos una experiencia. Y no me…
What a designer is and isn’t”¦seriously you need to know”¦
Before I begin, I want to thank Mari Adkins and Janice Thomason for taking the time to comment on the last entry. I lacked on replying to your comments, but know that I agree with both of you and will be better responding in the future. Now on with the latest entry. I’ve been doing…
Secrets that No one knows about me…
Scott Stead put this great video together. Grab him, anytime you need video done for your events.
Interview with the Entrepreneur: Jesse Thomas of JESS3
I recently had the opportunity to speak with Jesse Thomas of JESS3 an innovative design firm here in the DC area. He has been working hard to create a business that is not just about design but about transforming the innovation process and working with the startups that will one day change the world. So…
Technosailor.TV: Saturday Nights at 9pm
After a few weeks of messing around and getting comfortable in the video streaming game, we’ve had a lot of fun and a good deal of attention. It’s been fun. I’ve learned some things too – namely that these things can easily go over three hours if there’s no structure. So, I’ll be streaming every…
It's 5 O'clock Somewhere. In Case You're on a Deadline
For all the times I rant about PR pitches around here, I actually do get some good ones. Generally, these pitches are timely to me or my audience and are respectful in how they ask for press. Thus was the case today when a guy named Sergei [last name withheld for privacy] emailed me about…
Rules for Entrepreneurs: You Don't Need Swanky Office Space
When I started my first company, AppSolve, in 1999 it was the height of the Dot-Com boom and companies were raising massive amounts of money and staffing quickly without even making a dime yet and most not knowing how fast or whenever they would be able to. One symbol of this era was paying for…