Grey's Anatomy Killed Us
Forget Digg. We get Dugg all the time. But tonight’s killer (no pun intended) episode of Grey’s Anatomy had the Digg x 10 effect on us via Grey’s Anatomy News. Heh. Downtime is never funny. The unexpected surge and unexpected source knocked us over, and looking back, was kind of funny. Screenshot of Server Logs
Interviewed by the After Mac
It’s no secret that I am an Apple fanboy now. :-) Juan interviewed me about my switch from Windows to Mac.
How We Mass Upgrade Blogs
I’ve been getting hounded for some time about how we manage mass upgrades at b5media. It makes no sense to tackle things like you might upgrade, say 1, blog. Download. Unzip. FTP. Upgrade. It’s fast, but not when you have over 20 blogs. So I’m releasing our (slightly modified) script for public consumption. Remember, our…