The iPhone still is not a Business Phone
Since the launch of the original iPhone almost two years ago, it has been the position of this journalist, that the iPhone is not equipped, nor designed to be a business class phone. Although Apple has done a lot to address the concerns raised by many around the time of the original launch, such as…
The Dickensian 2008: A Look Back
This year might be the strangest year ever. It roared in with news of Robert Scoble having his Facebook account suspended for utilizing scripts to sync data between Plaxo and Facebook in violation of Facebook’s Terms of Service. Of course, the year ends with Facebook opening up fbConnect in a way to share that same…
MobilePress Allows Readers to Read On the Go
As a fan of all things mobile, I have been continually frustrated by websites that do not render a mobile friendly version of their sites. Let’s be honest, I’ve been frustrated by me not rendering a mobile friendly version. As a Blackberry user, I’ve been tormented by the inadequacy of the mobile browser that has…
Blackberry Provides a Mobile Device Too!
Since the iPhone came out a year and a half ago, mobile app development has gone into an iPhone-only mode of development. Mostly. The web interface has made it much more conducive to providing a real rich environment for web applications and now that the iPhone 3G has arrived, apps are being produced left and…
The Apple Store isn't the Only Place Intelligent People Go to Die
Apple announces an iPhone and people stand in line for it, despite the manufacturer never having entered the phone market before. A new line of computers is announced with some new feature never seen before in the platform, and people make a rush on the store to get their hands on the new sexiness. Apple…
The Aaron Brazell Show: Episode 1 – Politics, Policy and Technology
Saturday night, I was joined by Leslie Bradshaw, Art Lindsey (who I started calling Al toward the end of the show, sorry Art!), Leslie Poston and Andrew Feinberg in an interesting discussion about policy and technology inside the beltway. Steve Hodson and S. Dawn Jones also joined in during the show. It was a fascinating…
Don't Buy the Coming Hype – Apple Botched the iPhone Launch, Not the Carriers
Possibly the worst public relations nightmare in internet history occurred yesterday. Hardcore fans wanting to buy the new iPhone 3G camped out over night, and in some cases for days, to be the first to get their hands on the new, sexy, shiny device from their perfect company, Apple. What they got was unexpected. They…
Video en Vivo desde tu iPhone
Qik: La versión Alpha de Qik debe estar lista para el mes que viene. Flixwagon: El software de Flixwagon todavÃa no está disponible, pero te puedes anotar en la lista de prueba aquÃ.
7 Funciones que le Faltan al iPhone 3G
Al fin Apple anunció el iPhone 3G -que se conecta a la red al doble de la velocidad que el modelo anterior, pero a este modelo le faltan algunas caracterÃsticas importantes que muchos esperabamos. 1. Soporte Flash El navegador Safari del nuevo iPhone todavÃa no utiliza Adobe Flash, asà que al parecer el problema no…
SXSW Interview: Christina Warren from DownloadSqad.com
Christina Warren from Download Squad, TUAW and ChristinaWarren.com talks ultimate geek girl stuff. Hacking iphones, Blackberrys and SXSW.