I Told You So: Blockbuster Sued over Facebook Beacon
In December, I wrote a post stating that Companies using Facebook Beacon as a marketing tool would get sued and demonstrated the privacy policies in effect at a number of the Beacon partners. One of those is Blockbuster, which as noted in the December post, was so over the top with it’s privacy policy. It’s,…
Ubica a tus Amigos con Livecontacts
FindWhere lanza el beta de Livecontacts. FindWhere, proveedor de servicios de ubicación y seguimiento via GPS, lanzó hoy la versión beta de su herramienta social de ubicación. Livecontacts funciona en cualquier red celular GSM y eventualmente funcionará en teléfonos sin GPS. Según la compañÃa, pronto podrás incluir data de ubicación en tu mensajerÃa de texto,…
Google File System: Much To Do About Nothing
Google had a much-hyped announcement tonight that, frankly, I’m missing the point of. Techcrunch covered it. Scoble Qik’d it live. I was one of numerous who took the bait out of curiosity and watched the announcement live until Scoble turned off his camera, or something. honestly, folks, I don’t see what the point is. The…
Ask Takes Your Privacy Seriously
There was an old story I was told as a kid about boiling a frog to death. As the story goes, you can’t boil a frog to death by dropping him in a pot of boiling water. But put him in cool water and bring the water to a boil, and he won’t know the…
Zuckerberg, Quit Insulting Our Intelligence
Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook has taken one more step in the Beacon war. As we’ve noted, Facebook is wrong to not fully make Beacon an opt-in program, partner companies are wrong for releasing customer data to Facebook and by the way I made a Firefox extension that will help consumers know…
Freakin' Beacon Firefox Extension
I took the dive into Firefox extension development today whipping out an answer to the Beacon is broke sentiment that is popping up all over the net, including here on this blog. This extension puts a little icon in the status bar that lights up in blue when on a page using Beacon technology. In…
Companies Using Beacon Will Undoubtedly be Sued
Privacy policies. They are the walls of separation that protect users from the over-indulging nature of companies and provide strict legal protections for both the user and the company. Privacy policies are generally penned by lawyers who like writing obscure documents that do these things. Facebook Beacon, as we talked about, is a major privacy…
The Only Answer to Facebook Beacon is a Deleted Account
Marc Orchant, the other day, announced he was deleting his Facebook profile. For him, it came down to a matter of usefulness. I am considering also deleting my Facebook profile for completely different reasons – Facebook Beacon. In case you’ve been under a rock for the past few weeks, Beacon is the program that Facebook…