I Will Not Be Your Twitter Whore
There’s a lot of uptake on Twitter in recent months. The service that allows folks to tell the world what they are doing in 140 charachters or less has become the new playground of marketing types looking for the next big thing. Now let me say that I love Twitter. I love finding out what…
Yahoo Could Have Owned Social Networking
Get this. Yahoo owns tons of social networking sites. They own MyBlogLog, Flickr and Del.icio.us. They own Upcoming.org. They own Konfabulator, now known as Yahoo! Widgets which is not social networking but adds features for potential social networking applications. They own Jumpcut, the upstart video platform. Yahoo partners with Zillow to provide estimates on real…
Is MySpace Dead?
Last week, I asked Facebookers “Is MySpace Dead?” The answers were very interesting. There seemed to be as much neutrality as there was bias one way or another. Scott Matthewman says: It still seems to be as busy as ever from where I’m sitting. But the whole customisation thing is reminiscent of late 90’s Geocities…
Facebook or MySpace?
My Art of War entry the other day caused quite a stir. Notably, it caused a stir with the readers of b5media blog BuzzNetworker where Kevin Palmer, the author who has developed a professional public profile using MySpace takes issue with my sentiments regarding Facebook’s success. He has successfully stirred the pot and many more…
Writing for B5 Media – Come on over to Startup Spark
Hello all, just wanted to let you know that I have been offered an opportunity to write for a great blog on the B5 Media Network. The blog is called Startup Spark and is similar to Venture Files but is a broader version on all types of entrepreneurship. I invite you to check it out…
HP Victory: One Small Step for Bloggers, One Giant Leap for the Blogosphere
The other day I posted about a friend, Thomas, who was caught in a customer service nightmare with HP. I won’t rehash the story as it was told here. In fact, I can tell you that much information was omitted (mostly inadvertently) and I don’t regret the story going to the front page of Digg…
The Digg Bury Effect
If you’ve got praise for Microsoft. If you endorse Republican policies. If you believe in helping people optimize their website using SEO. If you have anything positive to say about Netscape, Reddit or Yahoo! Suggestions – it’s time to stop relying on Digg for traffic. Digg has come under increasing fire as they continue to…
An Entrepreneur's View: 5 Things Digg needs to do or it will die in 2008
I was guest blogging for my friend Aaron Brazell who writes Technosailor. We live near each other and run into each other at Starbucks living the Bedoin lifestyle. We talk alot about the techology scene and I made the comment that Digg would be dead or made irrelevant by next year. So he challenged me…
5 Things Digg needs to do or it will die in 2008
The Future of Web Apps (FOWA) conference this week and Kevin’s presentation “The Future of Crowd Generated Media” got me thinking about how long Digg might last or stay relevant. Granted, Jason Calcanis wrote a month ago about how Digg would “die a death of 1000 cuts”. He is right that they own the “Young…
Social Networking 4.0 – Meta Social Networks
Social Networking has gone through three phases so far and I firmly believe that we are at the beginning of the fourth phase. I refer to these first three phrases from Dave Hornik’s seminal blog entry “Social Networks 3.0” written in December 2005. I accept his interpretation of the first three phrases as follows: Social…