Sucks to be a Blog Network These Days
Having come from the blog network space, I have a mostly unique understanding of the difficulties encountered when running a content business. There is always a war between traffic and community, profitability and loss, long term projections and short term realities. It’s not an easy business. It’s even more challenging when you’re a blog network.…
Apples and Oranges, the Rise and Fall of Women Bloggers
I have sat on this post for the past few days because the last thing I want is this post to offend. I’ve tossed around the best way to approach it constructively and in an encouraging way. I’d like to consider myself a “friendly” for women bloggers, so with that context, I hope it is…
Valleywag is reporting that Robert Scoble is working on FastWork.tv with Revision 3. This will probably be another demonstration of a super long and boring video that takes too long to get to the point and then offers very little takeaway. Maybe Seagate will like it though. Imagine how much more time Scoble could spend on FriendFeed if he wasn't filming these insanely long videos that require too much time investment.
Just like most Robert Scoble endeavors, the leadup takes forever and then there’s no content. [Source: Valleywag]
SXSW Recap
I’m back on Maryland soil now after changing my flight to come back home Wednesday instead of Thursday. It’s been a heck of a trip and I’m so exhausted. Nonetheless, it was one of the best trips I’ve ever been on. I’ll have to catch up on the sessions I wanted to attend but did…